The Blog

Working With Organizations To Clarify Their Big Goals, Create Strategies, Systems, A Plan & The Confidence To Make Their Vision A Reality

A New Day - A New Opportunity - Writing Your Own Story leadership May 16, 2024
Leadership in Action: Vision, Solutions, and Resilience in Today's Business Landscape

Being a business owner, CEO, or Leader comes with many challenges, but it’s also a journey filled with...
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The Benefits of Mistakes! Leading with Solutions: 7 Tips for Solution-Driven Leadership leadership Apr 25, 2024

We are frequently told that making mistakes is negative. We face criticism and consequences for our errors. Yet, without mistakes, how would we learn and discover what truly works?

Thomas Edison...

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Do You Have The Right Leaders In Place For Cultural Change? leadership Aug 15, 2023

The shift from "Live to work" to "Work to live" reflects a changing perspective on the balance between personal life and professional commitments. The traditional mindset of "Live to work" implies...

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5 Ways Leaders Can Effectively Delegate Responsibilities business communication leadership Jul 28, 2023

From a post on, clear communication of your vision with your team one of my followers asked if I could share tips on how to delegate responsibilities. To allow for maximization, efficiency and...

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5 Reasons Leadership Is Important In Teams leadership team Jul 18, 2023

Leadership is incredibly important in today's team-oriented world for several reasons:

1. Direction and Vision: A leader provides a clear direction and vision for the team. They set goals and...

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DID YOU HEAR? The Key To Active Listening! communication leadership Sep 06, 2022

The key to active listening Is understanding how we listen, what preconceptions, and what experiences we are working with. What we have learned and adapted from the world around us starts at a...

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