The Blog

Working With Organizations To Clarify Their Big Goals, Create Strategies, Systems, A Plan & The Confidence To Make Their Vision A Reality

5 Things You Need To Do Every Day Jul 25, 2024

John Maxwell shares a story to explain his Rule of 5.

Suppose you go to a tree with an axe and swing at the tree 5 times. Then the next day you do it again and you keep hitting the tree with the axe...

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The Story of The Magic Penny! Jul 23, 2024

This is so important for your success, and most people miss it!

Have you every wondered why you are not reaching the level of success you want?

Success is the sum of your daily habits and the...

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The Communication Connection: Elevating Client Interactions Jul 11, 2024

Mindset and Communication work hand in hand in all areas of our lives especially in the workplace. The ability to understand that when clients and customers show up as upset 99% of the time it has...

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Are you celebrating your WINS? Jul 09, 2024

Are you celebrating your WINS?

If you are High Five.

If you aren’t WHY NOT?

It’s amazing how many of my clients were not celebrating their wins and neither was I. We don’t realize...

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The Effects of Your Experiences & Mindset on How You Communicate communication Jun 20, 2024

The Effects of Your Experiences & Mindset on How You Communicate

Have you ever wondered why you communicate the way you do?  Why when you listen to what someone says it affects you? I have...

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Communication Breakdown: A Family Tale Jun 13, 2024

Lately, our household has been a whirlwind, with two teenage daughters tackling final assignments, ISUs, and exam prep. Emotions are running high, and it seems like no one is really listening.


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